Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Cool Stuff

I've been playing around with Firefox over the last few days, mostly because my preferred browser, Crazy Browser, is becoming increasingly unstable.

For those of you who don't use it, Firefox is a really nice browser, configurable with all sorts of toys, themes and play things. It's faster than Internet Explorer, and if one believes the "purists", it's better because it's more "standard". Whatever. It's a browser, and it's still not as good in the way it handles tabbed browsing as Crazy Browser.

However, it does have one VERY cool add-on... something called "Tab Effects". Click from one tab to another, and the web window rolls around. It's almost like turning the pages in a book.

Nice. The sort of eye candy that's addictive. Use it and it's hard to go back to plain boring browsing.


e said...

I have a work laptop so I pretty much stick with Explorer to avoid issues, and recently Explorer introduced tabs too, so you can have more than one webpage open without having to open the browser all over again. Finally.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

we use the explorer tabs at home too - I'm too lazy to change really.