Saturday, July 29, 2006

My First Real Blog

Yup. This is it...

For yonks (that's Aussie for a very long time), my friend (yes, I only have one) has been saying "why don't you write you own blog?"

So here it is.

Chester with nothing to say...
Some straw brained bear pontificating over stuff about which he actually knows very little...
More inappropriate use of the elipse (...)...

Welcome to The Adventures Of Chester The Bear.


FPrince said...

I had a friend encourage me to create a blog while we were walking at the University. I thought about it and am so glad I did. I have since encouraged others to waste as much time and poorly applied emotional energy as I have. Brilliant!!

Chester The Bear said...

Yes. It does consume a huge amount of time, creativity and emotional energy that ought to otherwise be chanelled into more productive stuff. Ah well.

Author! Author! said...

I adore the elipse!...almost as much as the explanantion point.