Friday, August 11, 2006


There's something curiously wrong with deciding that 2am is the right time to clean the bathroom. It's not that I have insomnia... actually, I have no trouble sleeping at all. It's that I have ADD. Got the brain scans and really cool drugs to prove it, and when the attention goes into deficit, that spot on the bathroom floor isn't safe, so matter how inappropriate the hour.

Just look at my day yesterday. I have a to-do list that runs into pages. Yeah. So what. Big bloody deal. Everyone has multi-page to-do lists. Mine's even sorted into some vague order of priority, if for no other reason than to give the list symmetry and structure. It certainly isn't to give my life symmetry and structure, or to focus me on the jobs that need doing first.

Yesterday, I HAD to get a briefing paper prepared for one of our business partners. We're talking about a big deal here... the sort of deal that delivers a high enough pay-off to focus anyone's attention. And I decided, half way through the intro page, that NOW was a good time to edit the video that runs in the window of our pilot store. NOW. Bugger the big deal. Bugger the 300 other things on the list. No Chester... you go edit that video. Forget that it's not on your list... the creative spark's flickering in your straw brain right now.

Some would just say I lack discipline. Maybe, but at least I can sleep knowing I have a very clean bathroom.


caw said...

Hey, I'd choose bathroom tiles over a proposal any day!

Just watch out that that spark of creativity in your straw brain doesn't turn into a bushfire, or you'll have no head at all. And then I'd have to nominate someone to post on your behalf and as Angus still thinks the Internet is a tartan design for his next waistcoat, I don't think he'd be an entirely appropriate choice to blog for you.

Matsby said...

I hear you mate (I'm not actually Australian, but I hope you don't mind my using the word mate). I get the same little ticks. It's like a form of obsesive/compulsive... only I am not very clean.

Chester The Bear said...

Gatsby, I'm not very clean either... and that's what really bothers me.

It's not like the rest of the house is some showpiece waiting for the photographers from Architectural Digest to wander in any minute (that was my ex wife's thing). No This place looks like it belongs in a trailer park... but at least for now, I have a clean bathroom.