Saturday, December 16, 2006

Heroes Come In All Sizes

Meet Rocky.

He's described by people who know him as "definitely not a guard dog... he's the sort of dog who'd lick you to death", but a little while back, he stepped up and did what all great dogs do... he defended his owner's home.
Rocky took two bullets for his trouble, and I hope the low life bastards who pulled the trigger rot for eternity.
It's been a long, hard road to recovery... surgery to remove the bullets, blood transfusions and two months in hospital, but on Monday, the City of Sydney is presenting Rocky with a bravery award. The story is here.
I don't know Rocky or his owner, but stories like this warm my heart, and this bear may well be a face in the crowd at that ceremony.


Ms Brown Mouse said...

It takes a special kind of %#@*^@!% to shoot a dog methinks.

Chester The Bear said...

It's OK Miss Mouse. We don't have a language issue here.

Choose from one of the following;
[ ]Arsehole
[ ]Shithead
[ ]Douche Bag
[ ]Fucking Low Life Moron
[ ]All Of The Above

My mark goes in the last box.

Anonymous said...

It gives me paws to reflect on the goodness of dogs. Well done, Rocky. I hope you will make a full recovery.

Anonymous said...

fuckwit, Mr Bear, I'd go for a special kind of fuckwit - although fucking low-life moron appeals.