Thursday, September 27, 2007

It's A Sign

Packing up to move house is life's #1 Pain-In-The-Arse job, but dredging through the meaningless collections of ones life, sometimes one can unearth a memory or two.
I snapped the pic during a trip to Ireland about 10 years ago. It was on a railway crossing on a side street, and somehow, I caught it out of the corner of my eye, screeched to a halt, backed up and whipped out the camera.
It appeals to my rather twisted, Larsonesque sense of humour. Life imitating art?


e said...

I'm mystified. Phone who? How? Why? Would they get a permit to cross? But what if they don't have thumbs?? And really, if you're 54' long, are you going to listen and phone before crossing?


Matsby said...

I guess they would be calling Dr Doolittle since he would be the only one who could understand them.

But it also sounds like one of Dr Moreau's rules. Like "walk on two legs not on four."

"Use phone when requesting permission to cross a bridge, never howl out in your gutteral animal voice."

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the large animals get cell phone reception in that location.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the large animals get cell phone reception in that location.

Chester The Bear said...

I just have this image of a cow, standing upright on hind legs, cell phone to ear, leaning up against a fence.

e said...

Heh, heh. That's like that Far Side cartoon where the cows are all standing around, reading books, chatting, smoking. The lookout yells "Humans!" and the next panel is the cows on all fours grazing, while the car drives by. Then they all go back to their business.

Don't even get me started on the Far Side, I will talk about all my favorites for the next hour!!

Chester The Bear said...

You already know my favourite - the four personality types...

One says "Half Full"
One says "Half Empty"
One says "Half Full... Um Half Empty... Um... What was the question?
and the last says "Hey, I ordered A Cheeseburger"

I'm a "Cheeseburger" person.

My second fave... the dog with his head hanging out of the window of the car as it drives by his friend's place and he yells out "Hey Rex. Look. I'm going off to get tutoured".

And the third fave... the dead horse wrapped around the tree, all crimplued up, and one very young cowboy says to the other "Shoot. What are you going to tell your dad?"

e said...

By the way, Bear, have you received any calls from large animals who wish to cross?

Anonymous said...

Personal fave - caption "Blah Blah School for the Gifted" appears on a building above a door where a small, nerdly looking kid is pushing with all of his might just below the words "Pull."

Chester The Bear said...

And haven't we all done that!