Sunday, March 30, 2008

Us v Them

I was looking for a picture of a FedEx box this morning, and as is usual in any search, I found myself just a few curious clicks away from another web gem.

It's called GoogleFight, and all it does is measure the number of results in one search against the results of another.

Here's where I ended up...

And other great fights are just a few clicks away, like this one...

...or this one... You can even make your own. Allah v Jesus. Rugby Wallabies v Rugby All Blacks. Macdonalds v Burger King. Coke v Pepsi. Sydney v Melbourne. Reebok v Ferragamo. Chester The Bear v King Kong. Whatever. It's minutes of fun for the whole family.

Seriously... people (like me) need to get out more.


Matsby said...

It's minutes of fun for the whole family - HA!

Matsby said...

I wonder if Satan is dissapointed that not enough people are searching him. Because he shouldn't be. 30 Million is still pretty good.