A month or so back, I deviated from my usual dull and benign musings on every day life to comment on the over sensitivity and hypocracy of some in the Islamic world.
I'm sorry readers, but I'm compelled to do it again, because today, Iran's best-selling newspaper, Hamshahri, announced the winner of its deplorable, tasteless and disgusting "International Holocaust Cartoons Competition".
If you can be bothered, the Sydney Morning Herald ran a story. Click here.
Let me get this right...
It's ok to deny the holocaust, and make jokes at the expense of the 6 million Jews who were systematically slaughtered by the Nazis, but it's not ok for the Pope to make a comment that might reflect poorly in Islam.
Or it's ok for the Mufti of Australia, in a sermon last week, to suggest that women who dress inappropriately in public (that is, not covered head to toe by a hijab) deserve to be raped because they are akin to a piece of meat left outside uncovered and eaten by a cat, but it's not ok for those of us with any shred of decency to object. Yes... he really did say it, though at first he denied it, then when presented with the tape and transcript, said he had been misinterpreted. Yeah. Right..
You know what? Screw you. I'm sick and tired of the double standard. Whatever caused that chip on your shoulder, get over it. Devote your energy to making a positive contribution to the world instead of blaming the Americans and the Jews for your problems.
Amen and ditto.
I am so with you on this. Mr Mufti, if left alone for long enough, will hopefully dig himself such a hole deep enough that he will never, ever be able to climb out of.
Screw them all.
I note today that, not to be outdone, the main daily in Jakarta has a new cartoon competition where people are invited to draw the Danish Royals like pigs.
That, of course, is in retaliation for the Jyllands Post running those Mohammed cartoons last year.
I have two reactions to this.
The first is...
Ohh.. get over it you childish little people.
and the second is...
Actually, that might be quite funny, on two levels. A) they obviously don't understand that in the west, we all tend to have a sense of humour, and I'm sure Christian and Mary will have a bloody good laugh at it all, and B) it would be bloody funny anyway.
On reflection, I think I understand... these people really are like naughty children, prone to tantrums, naive, simplistic in their outlook and yet to learn their place in the world.
Actually, I had a long conversation with the guy who owns the convenience store next door to our office yesterday. I don't think he knows that I'm Jewish (one day, I might wear a yarmulka, and a Hebrew University of Jerusalem T-Shirt just for fun).
We were talking about the Palestinians and I suggested that it was disappointing that the people of Gaza, given the opportunity to make their own way in the world a year or so back when the Israelis pulled out, missed that opportunity.
Instead of saying "thank you, now we can get on with our lives and build our country", they chose to sit on their hands, whinge and complain about how hard done by they are by the West, and especially the Americans. And then fire missiles over the border as if that might make the Israelis go away entirely.
I suggested that maybe, instead of trying to drive the Jews into the sea, they might, instead, look at what the Israelis have done with land much like the land they have in Gaza. That perhaps by educating themselves and working hard, they might be able to emulate this success, especially on the back of the billions of dollars in aid offered by the Americans and Europeans.
I suggested that instead, they have just pissed that away.
He had no idea what I meant.
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