Monday, November 06, 2006

Invitation to Sydney

If you don't understand just how stunningly beautiful Sydney really is, here are some pics of a typical New Year's Eve.

Seriously readers. If you don't live here, you just don't know what you're missing.

It's not too late. There are flights here from just about anywhere and we're coming into summer. Yes... summer... where the days are hot, there's barely a cloud in the sky, and the nights are mild and balmy.

If I've neglected to give proper credit to the photographer, please accept my apologies. The pictures arrived in my mailbox today as part of a powerpoint presentation, and had no crdits.


caw said...

OH GOD. you were right that i would get homesick if i visited your fine bloggage today.

i did. and i am.

when i lived at mcmahons point & crem pt i used to walk down to the harbour with a couple of botts of bollie & some buddies and have a whizzer of a time. it was wonderful NYE in sydneytown.

how i miss it oh so so much.

thanks for these lovely pics, they do rather capture the yumminess of it all (except for the radio simulcast of course - which was always crap).

my plan is to spend a NYE in sydney on the water. awesome eh? have you done it chester?

Chester The Bear said...

Not actually "on" the water as such. But on the rocks at Mrs Macquarie's Chair (which is the point facing the Opera House & the Bridge for those who don't know Sydney).

A gazillion people there, but somehow, the poor little darlings were all afraid of getting their feet wet so the rocks were always empty... and that meant a front row seat.