Thursday, November 23, 2006

A Thanksgiving Travel Tip

Here's a tip for anyone who wants to go to Disneyland or Universal Studios. Go on the Monday after Thanksgiving... there's absolutely NO-ONE there.

Dr J and I were in the Excited States this time a couple of years back, and went to Universal on the Monday. Seriously, Hamas could have detonated a suicide bomber in the Back To The Future queue and not hurt anyone. The place was empty.

You know the big signs that say "Wait Time From This Point". Zero Minutes. We'd get off Jurassic Park, and just get straight back on. A couple of times, they didn't even make us get out of the boat. Waterworld was about as well patronised as the Monday of a NSWvSA Pura Cup Cricket Match (4 people and the ubiquitous cocker spaniel routinely turn up to day 4). On the Studio Tram Tour, they actually suggested that we bunch up into one tram carriage. No-one paid attention of course.

We went to Disneyland the next day. Same thing. No-one there. Well, hardly anyone anyway. The longest we stood in line for anything was at the Churros stand. (I have a bit of a weakness for a good crunchy Churros. Fortunately, they're hard to find in Oz.) Imagine turning up at the Indianna Jones ride at 11am and walking straight on. Or being able to have your photo taken with Mickey at Mickey's house twice in the same session. Or being the only people in the stretching room at the Haunted Mansion. Or not even having to get out of the Splash Mountain log/boat thingmy.

Speaking of which, here's me at Splash Mountain.

I have no idea who anyone else in the log was. Dr J hates roller coasters so she wouldn't come on this one (she'd had quite enough of Jurassic Park the day before). And notice that I was the only one in the log who went over the waterfall with their arms in the air. So there!

I was talking to one of the park managers on the way out. Her name was Bobby-Joe. Really. It said so on her badge. She said the few days after Thanksgiving were their quietest days of the year, and she said it was the same for every park and major tourist attraction in the USA.

So there's a tip for you.


caw said...

I lavosh these travel tips, Chester. The photo of you on the log is brilliant, you looked relaxed and happy to be travelling at 1000 mph :)

Chester The Bear said...

Oh yes. In my element. But I try not to say it too loudly because Angus might hear, and we know what an adrenaline junkie he is. It takes all of my few wits to keep him out of the front loader washing machine.

Awright13 said...

I always feel bad for the people who have to work the day after TG (one of them being myself) but now that I know this amazing theme park tip I will venture out that way next year and enjoy riding rides until I puke. Good one bear boy ;)

Ms Brown Mouse said...

You know you can make churros in your very own home & the hot chocolate to dip them in. They may not be as pretty as shop/stand bought ones but they taste damn fine!

Chester The Bear said...

This sounds like it would involve the heater thingmy in the kitchen. I try and avoid it, what with my clumsy bear paws, flammable fur 'n stuff.

And awright13, take the week off. Tell your boss Chester told you it was ok. Get down to the happiest kindom in the world and ride to your heart's content.

Matsby said...

Sweet picture!

Chester The Bear said...

Thanks Gatsby. There's many more pics. I'll work a few of them into my ramblings.

Nice to see you back, by the way.