They're building a new freeway not far from my place, or, to be more precise, they're building another one of those underground freeways that aren't free and that idiots will drive in at 50 when the limit's 80 because, apparently, it's so scary being in a tunnel.
That's meant a lot of surface roadworks near where the tunnel joins the freeway leading down to the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Last week, they put up a new sign. It reads...
Pedestrians Animals Prohibited
Um. Ok. But, what exactly do they mean?
Are they talking about Pedestrians' Animals, which means you can't take your dog for a walk on the freeway? Ok. But why would you want to?
Or do they mean Pedestrians Or Animals, which raises even more questions. I didn't know that was a problem. Really. I mean, I think the last time someone rode a horse across the Bridge was DeGroot in 1932 when the thing opened. I'm pretty sure there isn't an Elephant Sacturary anywhere in Lane Cove either.
Do they mean animals on their own, orALL animals, even the ones inside the car? What if the cat's coming for a drive, and is curled up on the back window ledge? What about the dog in the back of the ute? (For the language challenged, that's pronounced "yoot", short for "Utility Vehicle" and it's what a pick-up is really called.)
And are the animals supposed to read the sign, in which case, it should be like this one I spotted in a park near Vancouver a few years back (and which I know you've probably seen before).
I am reasonably sure they meant "Pedestrians And Cyclists Prohibited", but the way this place works, thats the sign we've got, so that's the sign we'll keep.
Maybe they meant pedestrian (no s)animals prohibited, in which case animals that can fly AND read are going to be overhead. Wear a hat.
Perhaps they mean pedestrian in the sense of dull, everyday, boring, and so exotic animals like Zebras and Tigers and Pandas are most welcome.
Zebras, Tigers, Giraffes, Mongolian Snow Leopard, Panda, Platypus, all allowed on the freeway.
Mountain Goats, anything that's a waterfowl, Elk, Red Bears, not allowed.
Though I do worry that some faceless bureaucrat would get to decide which was not pedestrian.
As for the hat. Hmmm... I already have one. It's made out of tin foil.
Chester, I just read your piece about your parents' 58th anniversary. It really was quite beautiful!!
I am sending it on to son and daughter. Maybe, with our 50th anniversary coming up this year, they might be inspired!!!!
Much love, Joan
Thanks Joan.
And welcome to Chester's world.
human/animal hybrids?
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