Sunday, August 19, 2007

Spammers... They Just Keep Getting Better

Here's some more 'real' senders names on spam that appeared in my inbox this morning...

These were all the same spam, flogging 'The Pharmacy America Trusts', whatever that is... yeah, right, like you'd buy drugs over the internet from a spammer in China.

Bosser V. Scythes
Editor K. Freethinker
Barnett F. Arbitrariness
Exceeded B. Shortsighted

If you're interested, the site the email points to is registered to a Sam Till, who has the dubious email address of bobmarley @, and it's hosted on a server owned by someone in Shanghai named Centaur Dong.

1. There must be enough dumb idiots out there who buy from Mr Till to make this worth his while,
2. You'd think, in a totalitarian state like China, it would be simple enough for the government to put a stop to all this spam if it really wanteed to.


Ms Brown Mouse said...

it's funny, the Brown-Mice are generally pretty free from spam mail but this last week it's been flowing in - and those names! dead give away and instand deletion!

pitfinder said...

Maybe if the product was called "Centaur Dong"....


Anonymous said...

I must admit that the first time I was spammed (several years ago) was by a porn site and I had no concept of spam mail. Not understanding why they had sent me an email, I sent a lenghy response explaining that while I was sure they had simply sent their email to the wrong address, if it had not been an accident, then I had no interest in their product. Strange thing - they never emailed me back.

e said...

I get lots of spam, mostly for Viagra and penis enlargement, but gmail is pretty good at filtering it out, so it ends up in the spam folder. But the names aren't nearly as good as these!!