Sunday, August 05, 2007

Unnatural Love

And we were SO concerned that Zac wouldn't get along with the kittens.


Ms Brown Mouse said...

That's beautiful - and not unnatural at all. Young animals, brought up together often get on - and wintertime generally helps, cos both puppies and kitties are heat hogs!
I've gone all awwwwwww.

e said...

That is so CUUUTE! Dang, I want to squeeze them and hug them and smooch them. How's that for unnatural love?

Matsby said...

Don't you think maybe he is just gaining the cat's trust and waiting for the right oportunity?

Maybe I have seen to many cartoons, but I just don't trust that dog.

Chester The Bear said...

There may be some legitimacy to mediocre's concern.

Awright13 said...

I understand where Gats' concern is coming. My issue is they just look too dang happy for the dog to suddenly turn. Both look as though they were caught doing something they shouldn't so (and espcailly as a female) the awwww factor is so there.

Chester The Bear said...

Seriously, what we do have to watch is that Zac is so much bigger than Mini and his idea of a game could do her real harm.

Curiously, we don't have that problem with Scooter (not in picture), who seems to have Zac totally controlled.

Anonymous said...

Yeh, I think there's a bit of Dog Hypnotism going on. I mean, look at those eyes ;) Mini is completely under Zac's spell methinks.

sooooooooo kewt!!!!!!!!!!