Thursday, September 13, 2007

Time Shift

The clock on the clubhouse wall.
The weirdest thing happened to me today. Really weird.

I had a bit of a late night last night, and Zac has been setting his alarm clock for 05:25 so I hadn't had much sleep.

The opportunity came up for a mid-afternoon nap... I looked up at the clock on my wall, and it said '2:15'. Actually, it didn't say anything at all, but the little hand was pointing to 2 and the big hand was pointing to 3... you know what I mean.

My fabulously expensive Patek Phillippe copy ($80 on Canal Street) said much the same, and the clock next to my bed said 14:15, and I'm sure you can figure out what that means.

Head hit pillow, eyes closed, and I was deep asleep within seconds. A deep, blissful 'wake me in a week' sleep. With the wildest dream too... detailed, complex, rich with content and story... and it went on and on... I was asleep for hours...

...until the phone rang, jolting me back into the land of now.

I looked at the clock... 14:16. I had been asleep for less than sixty seconds.

No. That can't be right. I was refreshed. I was relaxed. I was wide awake. You don't get that from 60 seconds of shut eye.

It felt like two hours, or four hours, or even all night, and besides, it would take WAY more than 60 seconds to flash through the best bits of the dream in fast forward.

Did the rest of the world freeze in time for a couple of hours?
Did I accidentally role over and push that secret "freeze time" button on my watch?
Did aliens take me away?
Did the matrix lock up?

Or maybe I'd actually slept for 24 hours? (No. That can't have happened. Zac wouldn't have put up with that.)

Sixty seconds!


Urban Koda said...

You know, I think I feel better after a minute or 2 out than I do after an hour or so...

I think about it as doing a quick reboot of the system... It's still warmed up and ready to go, but all the junk has been cleared out of the memory.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

did you crash later? I find mini naps are like chocolate, great for a little while but then you need another.

e said...

Wow. I think you may have had a twilight zone moment. I couldn't even fall asleep in 60 seconds, let alone have dreams and be rested.

Anonymous said...

crikey. i'm going for the alien theory - a brief kidnapping maybe. that's incredible chester.

sometimes, when im talking on the phone in the mornings, i fall back asleep, mid convo (i am a terrible morning person, very difficult to wake me up). so i have to ask the person on the other end to call me back in 15 minutes. i sleep. when they do i am totally awake. it's as tho i just needed to finish off the last of the whole sleep, complete the dreams and round everything off before waking properly & getting on with the day.

humans are quite odd.

gothcat said...

Thats a ADHD clinical moment,or maybe just a creative mans microsleep.Dont do that one in the car!

Matsby said...

I could see a time lapse: For the outside world, it was just a minute, but to you an entire day passed by.

That makes more sense to me than waking up refreshed after 60 seconds.

Anonymous said...

Can you please (i)figure out how you did that; and (ii) teach me. Imagine how much more productive I could be if I only needed to sleep 60 seconds a day?! It would be amazing!

I try to get 8 hours (which rarely happens), and still drag myself out of bed every day. Sometimes I imagine that there's a little audience waiting, with bated breath, to see if I can muster the necessary strength to get out of bed...when I finally make it, I hear the applause and, of course, must take a bow...after my bow, I stumble to the shower wondering how long until they commit me to the nut house.

B. said...

This happens to me all the time, especially when I'm trying to fall asleep for the night. There are supposed to be, I dunno, five stages of sleep and I think I always skip straight to the last one, the Dream Stage, then wake up after only a minute.