Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Who Believes This Crap II

Have I told you how much I hate spam? No, not the luncheon meat... the email type spam... though, come to think of it, the edible spam wouldn't rate highly on my list either.

My server's getting bombarded with so much spam that the spam filter is crashing. It's so bad that I might as well not have email at all because the server is taking longer than the post office to deliver a note.

It's going to cost us hundreds, and perhaps even thousands of dollars to fix... upgraded memory... a more robust spam filter... and other stuff that ought to be unnecessary if it wasn't for some little prick in China, India or Russia trying to make my penis bigger, improve my sex life, offer me a 'perfect' Rolex copy, steal my money, or sell me a 22 year old white slave.

In fact, I think I hate spammers nearly as much as I hate bureaucrats.

And who believes the crap they send anyway? Come on... one of you must believe it... really... do the right thing... fess up and take it like a man (or woman).


You have to presume that the shithead sending the spam wouldn't do it unless someone... anyone... responded. Some people (or person) must read the spam and think to themselves "oh, yes... i think I really need to make my penis bigger so I'm going to buy these pills from someone I don't know, without knowing what's in them, and I'll watch the ole fella grow before my eyes". They must. because if they didn't, why would the spammers bother?

And what about this gem... it arrived tonight...

Your credit doesn't matter to us!
If you have your own business and require IMMEDIATE ready money to spend ANY way you like or require Extra money to give your company a boost or wish A low interest loan - NO STRINGS ATTACHED, here is the deal we can offer you THIS EVENING (hurry, this tender will expire THIS NIGHT):
$28,000+ loan
Hurry, when our best deal is gone, it is gone. Simply finish this quick form...
Do not worry about approval, your credit will not disqualify you!

And it gave an email address in China. Yeah. Right. Like some backyard Chinese operation is going to lend li'l ole me twenty eight grand without security.

Wake up people. Spam is bad. Spammers are bad. And if you buy something from a spammer, you're not just bad... and this is way more important... you're also an idiot.


Vic said...

I'm sorry for your spam problem. I hate it with the firey passion of 1,000 suns. Fight the power.

Urban Koda said...

I have the other problem... Some prick in China is using my domain name to spam from. Since I have a catch all mailbox set up under that domain name, I get all the Undeliverable responses back to my inbox.

Maybe this is how George Bush managed to get us in debt with the Chinese to the sum of 3 trillion or so... "Hey Laura, I think I've found a way to solve the budget problem - a whole bunch of guys in China want to lend me money!!"

e said...

That's beyond annoying. I wish there was a way for spam to end up only in the mailboxes of idiots.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Who are the idiots who reply to this?

And the same with telemarketers. Even if they were selling something I wanted, I would not buy it out of principal.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

I work in an area where people who get fooled by this spam (and other scams) come to complain once they've lost their money. There are LOTS and LOTS of them and I find it very difficult to summon up any sympathy.
Follow this basic rule people, if it seems too good to be true, it IS!

Mostly Jessica said...

In this day and age, how dumb do you have to be to buy ANYTHING from someone who contacts you?