Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Another Nail or Two

I watched a few grinding minutes of Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" the other day, not by choice, but because Dr J wanted to see what all the fuss was about.

It didn't surprise me that this film was made by a politician... you know the joke... how do you tell if a politician is lying? His lips are moving. So it was for An Inconvenient Truth. In one staggering scene, Gore stands before a world audience and shows a Powerpoint slide proclaiming that not a single scientist now doubts "humans-did-it" global warming. Seriously? Not one? People, he won a fecken Nobel Prize for this bullshit.

I have said before... beware anyone who uses lies, deception and untruth to try to control your life, and I don't care how worthy the cause. When truth is sacrificed, the end does not justify the means because you just never know which truth is next.

Which leads me to a few more nails in the coffin of this global warming myth...

The first is HERE. It's a story about Sunspots, and how they effect Global Climate. Apparently, according to the story, the more sunspots, the less cloud and rain. And at the moment, there are no sunspots, which explains the really shitty weather we've been having here in Sydney.

Astronaut and geophysicist Phil Chapman was the first Australian to become an astronaut with NASA. His observations show that the world cooled quickly between January last year and January this year, by about 0.7C. This, he says, correlates to a drop in sunspot activity to zero.

According to Chapman, "this is the fastest temperature change in the instrumental record, and it puts us back to where we were in 1930."

He goes on to say that "if the temperature does not soon recover, we will have to conclude that global warming is over". He even suggested that if sunspots don't fire up soon, we might be headed for another Ice Age.

And here's more...

I was trawling about the web the other day and came across a paper written in 1999, that looked at rises in sub sea floor temperature off the US coast. The researchers were trying to extrapolate that the increase in temperature deep in the mud of the sea floor was a result of an increase in water temperature at the sea floor, and, like all scientists who care about their research grants these days, they were trying to pin those increases on global warming. What they actually found was an increase in mud temperature of between 6 and 10 degrees over the last 150 years, far beyond anything that could be explained by increases in sea temperature. They also found that the geothermal gradient, which is the increase in temperature as you drill down into the earth, had not changed. (If the temperature increase was coming from the water, the gradient would have decreased.)

Sadly, they didn't reach the conclusion that maybe the Earth might be heating up from the inside, but if they had stopped to think about it for a bit, that makes perfect sense because many geologists believe the molten core of the earth is sustained by a low level nuclear reaction caused by radioactive material under pressure.

Temperatures go up. They go down. Sea levels rise and fall. Ice Ages come and go. It happens. Get over it. Forces way more powerful than mankind are at work here, forces so great it's near impossible for us mere mortals to comprehend.

Sunspots, fluctuations in the brightness of the Sun, and geothermal activity are the core drivers of climate on Earth.

Yet Governments around the world are committed to spending trillions "fighting climate change", as though bureaucrats might be able to regulate the climate to stay the same. Here, we even have a "Climate Change Fund" splashing money around on "measures to protect us from inevitable warming", all overseen by the "Minister for Climate Change".

One day, soon I hope, we'll look back on this arrogant buffonnery for the silliness it is because much as we might like to think otherwise, whatever humans do to our climate is insignificant by comparison to those forces of nature.


pitfinder said...

Al Gore and the IPCC split the Nobel. It *is* worth noting that the prize they got was a peace prize, NOT a science one. Hmmmmm.....

Tad said...

David Karoly, an actual climatologist, wrote a wonderful response to Chapman's opinion piece:


Chester The Bear said...

Tad, get with the program friend. Follow the money/power trail.

The climatologists are the ones who gain the most out of world global warming hysteria.

Let me ask you this... if global warming is such an inconvenient truth, then why does Al Gore have to LIE so comprehensively in a film about it?

There are thousands of scientists out there who don't believe it. Highly credentialled, well respected scientists across a broach spectrum of scientific disciplines.

Chester The Bear said...

And by the way... Karoly himself uses deception and slight of hand.

He states that "It should also be noted that the global average temperature has warmed substantially, by about 0.3C from January 2008 to March 2008."

Of course it bloody has. Most of the world's land mass is in the Northern Hemishpere, which skews the temperature data and gives it "seasons".

Either Karoly is incompetent, because he should know that, or he does know it, and is being deliberately misleading and deceptive. It's one or the other. You choose.

Urban Koda said...

So somehow the greenhouse gases are having an effect on the sun too?

Chester The Bear said...

Koda. You nailed it! Yup. Those pesky greenhouse gasses we put out are effecting the Sn, Mars, and even a small colony of sentient worms on an otherwise insignificant planet circling Alpha Centauri. We'd better hope they don't figure it out, because if they do, it will be war.