Saturday, April 19, 2008

Neanderthal Speak

There was a curious piece this week on one of the many on-line news sites I waste time with.
Apparently, according to the story, research anthropologists at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton reconstructed a Neanderthal voice box to find out what they would have sounded like.
Ok. Um. So they got a research grant to listen to Neanderthals. Hmmm.
Here's the really curious bit... apparently, they discovered that the shape of a Neanderthal larynx meant that they would have had trouble with "e"s, so "beat" would have sounded more like "bit".
So... um... they think a Neanderthal sounds a bit like a Kiwi? Yeah. I can see that.
The article also describes Neanderthals as "a dead-end offshoot of the human line". So... um... someone sounding like a New Zealander is a dead end offshoot. Yeah. I can see that too.

Perhaps they could have saved all that research money and just had a holiday in Willingtin.


gothcat said...

I love et.

Urban Koda said...

Hey now....!

Some of us readers happen to like Willingtin!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

You can get rilly gret coffee in Willingtin!

Anonymous said...

ov nivvah bin tuh willingtin but eye rickin it wuld suck!

ps: hey. i think i know that fella in the picture, first on the right.