Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Understatement (Again)

A front page story on the Sydney Morning Herald's website this morning tells of a 93 year old woman found dead on her couch. Apparently, she'd been dead for months, while others continued to live there.

Police, who had been called to the house by a neighbour to do a welfare check, also found a dead dog in another room.

Dallas police spokeswoman Janice Crowther said months have passed since anyone apparently last saw the elderly woman. Electricity was still on at the home and the lawn and exterior were well-kept, but police described the interior as "messy".

"Messy"? So leaving dead people and animals lying around the house is "messy"?

That's an interesting redefinition, and makes me feel a whole lot better about my study.


Anonymous said...

what tha..? what, did the other people just step over her on the way out and wondered why the dog never needed any exercise?

people astound me.

Matsby said...


Matsby said...

I mean the "mess" thing is funny.

Not the lady's death.

e said...

I don't understand either. How can other people live there and not notice or ignore a rotting corpse for months on their couch??