Thursday, June 12, 2008


I forgot to put the bins out last night. You know how it is. You're tired. You're grumpy because your state just lost a big football match. You just forget. It happens.

But by the reception from Dr J this morning, you'd think I'd had a personal hand in scheduling trains during the WWII.

Dr J: You didn't put the bins out last night.
Me: Oh. Of course. Wednesday was garbage night. Sorry. Are they out now?
Dr J: Yes. I was able to put them out just in time.
Me: Oh. Good. That was lucky. Has the truck been? I'll bring them in.
Dr J: No.
Me: [looking puzzled... brain trying to redefine 'just in time']
Dr J: I am not happy. [glare]

Seriously. What is it with women and the putting out of the garbage?


Identity Crisis said...

Years and years of practice is my guess.

gothcat said...

I didnt realise garbage was gender specific...

Robert Vollman said...

Next time:

Dr J: Did you take out the garbage?
You: Yes.
Dr J: Why don't you stay out there and keep an eye on it?

Anonymous said...

LOL Vollman. Quite right.

You know, I suspect I am one of many women tho who don't care much about putting out the garbage/rubbish/trash. If I forget, or B forgets, we just say "oh. bugger." and put it out the following week. B tends to get to it first which is why he gets stuck with putting it out ... I am either distracted, studying or asleep when it's time to put it out.
I know. It is convenient, no?

Ms Brown Mouse said...

We are lucky, we have nice neighbours who always put out bins out, and we always bring them in. Cooperation, just like on Sesame St.

e said...

Mmmh. I don't know the answer to your questions, Bear.