Thursday, November 22, 2007

They Read Chester Where?

I received a note from Clustr Maps today, letting me know that I've had my map for a year and it's about to be archived. That means all the little red dots are about to disappear and they'll be starting again. They do this, so they say, because they don't want the map becoming a "big red smear".

That gave me the opportunity to brag a little. I mean... look at all those dots! It's baffling. Why would someone in Santiago or Moscow want to read my blog? There's even a dot in Nigeria, so maybe the Lads are reading too!

Ah well. In the next few days, there will be an empty map again.

By the way, I'm happy to give Clustr Maps a plug here, so if you want a Clustr Map of your own, you can get one for free by clicking HERE.

Anyway... thank you to everyone to has taken the time to drop by. I hope you enjoyed the experience.


Robert Vollman said...

My dot is one of the biggest. :)

Anonymous said...

My ClusterMap shows a lot of readers from China, I think they come looking for Ping and only find a kitten!

Chester The Bear said...

or maybe they come to your blog looking for recipes.

Ms Brown Mouse said...