Saturday, February 02, 2008


When they talk about naked flights, I thought they were talking about 'planes with no markings.

I'm no prude. In fact, I suspect my ideas on sexuality, nudity, and other such issues would probably condemn me to a flaming eternity if my faith believed in that sort of thing.

But this is just plain icky...

The Guardian reports that a German travel agent has come up with "the ultimate in no-frills flying"... a charter flight for passengers who want to fly naked.

Apparently holidays to places where one gets down and naked are particularly popular among east Germans, who like nothing better than to stretch out on a beach in their birthday suits.

Spokesman for the travel agent, OssiUrlaub gets my award for quote of the week. "The flight can be enjoyed as God intended." Really? I would actually have thought nothing about the whole flying thing would fall into the category of "as God Intended".

"For the first time, passengers in Germany can fly completely in the nude," he said.

Whoa. Slow down... put down that phone... you're not quite ready to make a reservation yet. First, you'll need to get yourself to somewhere called Erfurt. The flight will take you to the Baltic island of Usedom, but you'll be returning the same day so a bit of naked sightseeing probably isn't on the agenda. Tickets cost 499 euros ($831).

All passengers will travel naked but will only be allowed to get undressed once on board, the company said.

They don't say whether you get can get naked before the pilot switches off the seatbelt sign. (Hey... maybe they could replace the smoking light with a nakedness light.)

They also don't say whether nakedness is compulsory, but I guess you wouldn't take the flight unless you were that way inclined.

Pilots and cabin crew will remain clothed "for security reasons". Thank God. The time I flew in Germany, I had to resist the desire to say "thanks Nana" each time one of the flight crew served me a drink.

There has to be a sit-com in this somewhere... and no... I didn't make this up. How could you make something like this up.

For the original story, go HERE.


Ms Brown Mouse said...

it's the seats I worry about - how would they keep the seats clean?

Matsby said...

And the guy sitting next to you in those small seats who keeps bumping in to you and has to squeeze past you to get to the bathroom.

This doesn't seem like a good idea.

Laurel said...

There are soooo many people I do not want to see naked, and I think those are the people most likely to be onboard flight "I see your hiney".

We had naked neighbors once, meaning we saw them fully de-clothed at least once a week from our tv watching couch in our living room. Many of our visitors got the view as well. It was really hard to take our neighbors seriously after seeing him dry his "unmentionables" with a hair dryer.

And as for falling off the Lost wagon--for shame!! I'm not kidding when I say the premiere this year was crackin'! You better get back on and buckle up, cause I think the ride is going to be fierce this year!

e said...

Nevermind when the squeeze by you, what about when they climb over you with their butts in your face?? Oh this is so wrong.