Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Few Facts

It's easy to get confused by Middle East politics, and it's very easy to feel a great deal of sympathy towards the Palestinian people. Their leadership has so comprehensively failed them that they are almost certainly condemned to poverty and misery for generations to come.

It's then sometimes easy to point the finger at the Israelis but before you do, I urge all of my readers to take a little history lesson.

Please go here...


pitfinder said...

Go Here.

So you've got two groups of Preists beating each other with brooms in the Church of the Nativity, and who breaks up the fight? The PLO.

There's got to be some kind of message in there.

Urban Koda said...

Why is it that the problems seem to lie with the leaders, and yet it's the normal everyday people that end up dying.

I'm for rounding up all current world and religious leaders who aren't prepared to talk this out nicely, and sticking them on an island and then nuking it.

Chester The Bear said...

Pitfinder, maybe it's something in the water.
and Kod, yeah, it's always the little people who end up getting shafted. I had a feeling that's what nuclear weapons were for.