Thursday, April 05, 2007

Day Off

Bliss! I've just spent an entire day NOT working. No email. No internet. No reports. No sales. No work at all.
I didn't actually think it was possible and I really wasn't sure how I was going to get through the day but rescue came in the shape of Henry, Dr J's newphew and a pro golfer.
Henry's down in Sydney from his home in Brisneyland, lining up for a couple of minor tournaments in the next few days. As a part of his preparation, he took us out to the Castle Hill Country Club to scope out the course.
I'm no golfer, but it was interesting to spend a few hours out in the fresh air and sunshine with a pro, checking greens, fairways, hazards and treelines. Henry even has this very cool little range finder... just point it at the flag, press a button and it will tell you how far away it is, how many degrees elevation it is, and what that means to the distance of the shot. To explain... let's say the flag is 120 metres from the tee, but it's at a 5 degree down angle. That means it's a 110m shot away. For me, that's not going to make the slightest difference... the last time I played a round, the course marshall came up to me on the fourth hole and asked me if I was sure I had enough balls. (Bastard!)
I got to putt on some of Australia's best kept greens too, and I'll tell you, it's quite a bit different to trying to get the ball in the hole in the side of the Pyramid at King Tut's Mini Golf.
And I got to drive the golf cart, mostly because everyone thinks my Smart Car is just a cart on steroids anyway.
By the way... in his spare time, Henry's an amazing magician, AND the world master of trick shots (he holds world records for things like bouncing a ball off a club, and spinning a ball on a putter head). If you're interested, his website is HERE.


Anonymous said...

ahhh, the loveliness of fresh air & sunshine. noice noice noice. waving a stick around in those circumstances is always pleasant :)

e said...

I love golf and I suck at it, I always play best ball. The most entertaining thing for me is the people behind me who get incensed at my lack of skill and give me nasty looks. Not sure how that's supposed to improve my game, but...

How thoughtful of the marshall to offer you more balls. ;o)

Ms Brown Mouse said...

I don't mind a day at the golf course, so long as they don't expect me to whack small balls, that would spoil the lovely walk. Do they have bunnies on the green at castle hill?

Chester The Bear said...

"Thoughtful" wasn't the word that popped into my head.

And no bunnies in sight, I'm afraid. No kangaroos either, though one of the adjoining properties had a few sheep.