Friday, May 25, 2007

Kitten Caboodle

I've always wanted to name a cat Caboodle, just so that I could show off the Kit 'n Caboodle. It would be funny the first time. It might even draw a smile the second time, but I suppose, after that, it would get a little tiresome.

Sort of like the guy in England who murdered his parents, Mr & Mrs Russel, for calling him Jack. With him, tiresome led to unintended consequences. Go HERE. Fortunately, when it came to naming the kittens, Dr J said "I don't think so".

We've had them more than a month now and they're still kittens. I find it amazing that two little furry things raised in the same house at the same time with the same games, food, litter tray and bed can have such radically different personalities. Scooter is an explorer and bit of a loner, and Mini is a sook with a daredevil streak (yesterday, she leapt from the top of the lounge, across the metre and a half wide canyon to the dining table).

Just for fun, here are a few pics...

That's Scooter bringing a whole new meaning to the term "comfortable shoes".

For kittens, happiness is a brown paper bag. Sadly, there's only enough room in there for one, and Mini got there first.

Scooter did get her turn in the bag, and took the opportunity to chew carpet.

A rare pic of two small furry animals being still and together for long enough for a photo to be taken. That's Mini in the front.


Ms Brown Mouse said...

You've got me wondering how Mr Brown would react if I brought a kitten home - I'm sure he'd get over it .... hmmmmmm. They are tres, uber cuties those kitties.

Anonymous said...

miao! i am loving those wee cuties. amazing that kittens can sleep anywhere eh?

dmm - put the kitten down. step away from the kitten. tee hee!

gothcat said...

Just waiting til pooky exits this feline coil or he will never forgive me.