Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Wednesday is Day Care day for little Zac. Yes. Day care. For dogs. It's all the rage here in the Emerald City, and this smart guy gets so excited from the moment we turn into day care street that it's surprising he doesn't wet the seat of the car.

The centre where we send him has a webcam so that obsessive owners like me can waste an otherwise productive day ooo-ing and aahh-ing everytime he wanders by the camera.

Today there was a bit of a treat... for the first time, Zac actually stopped in front of the lens. Apparently, it's downtime... the time of day when all the dogs take time out from play.


(I'd give you the webcam address, but for reasons only known to the centre owners, access tot he cam is password protected and they change the password every day.)


e said...

OMG I so get that!! I need to set up a catcam at home so I can check on the girls while I'm in Italy...

Anonymous said...

E - uh, just take a picture of your cats sleeping with you to Italy and you will know what they are doing in your absence.

Chester - Doggie Daycare is the best! I have several friends that utilize the service and it really helps with socialization. Does your dog go every day or just certain days a week?

Ms Brown Mouse said...

I love the idea of doggy day care - most dogs spend their day alone at home, not a happy situation at all for such social beasties!
And I'm totally with E, I plot and plan cat cams so I can watch my girls during the day (and catch that sneaky vomiter in the act!)

Anonymous said...

so kewtable and lubbable! i love the cam thing but hey - how does zac sign the consent form?

Chester The Bear said...

Willsie... just Wednesdays.

E and Mouse... I'm with Willsie... just take a pic of them asleep.

And CAW... inked paws, though there is some argument about whether or not that constitutes "informed consent".