Friday, November 23, 2007

Extreme Chauvanism

Just for fun, it's time to be a little provocative. First, GO HERE. (It will open in a new window.)

Now try to tell me you don't find a little bit of truth buried in that provocation.


Ms Brown Mouse said...

Ok, I went, I read and I can see that the blogg chap is trying to be funny, with his wild & provocotive generalisations and all. But some of those commenters left me feeling very uneasy indeed. There’s a lot of bitter, vitriolic, out-and-out hatred of women out there in boy land and it’s frankly scary. Some of that seething, violence (in the commenters' language) had the hair on the back of my neck standing right up. Still, makes me glad I share my living space with a nice, well-adjusted, happy sort of chap.

Tootsie Farklepants said...

That site? Um. Ick.