Wednesday, February 14, 2007


I joined a bowling league a couple of weeks ago. It's true. Really. I did. It's been about 15 years since I've been bowling (except for once when CAW and I wagged school (work) one day just before she went to the Excited States). But I used to be ok at it, so back to the lanes I went.

Now I have to say, it has been a bit of a culture shock, and decribing my fellow bowlers would be a whole other blog. I don't think I'll go there.

I dredged out the old bowling shoes, which, I should add, belonged to dad and are nearly as old as I am. He had them hand made by a boot maker just up the road from his factory... I think his name was Pinucci. They've seen better days, thoes shoes, and I suspect a trip to the shoe repair shop might be in order but hey, it's better than "house shoes".
I need a new ball though. I absolutely can't remember what happened to the old one, but it's gone, and sticking one's fingers into one of those "house balls" is... well... let's just say one has no idea where the fingers that were last in those holes have been.
I just can't decide which one ball though. The days of Henry Ford Balls (you can have any colour you want, as long as it's black) are long gone, and there are now so many to choose from.
There's the watermelon ball...

Or the eye ball, which I kind of like, but after a while, I think it would freak me out.

Or maybe this one, understated, with a dash of class. Moo!

Or the megalomaniac's favourite, and currently, my first choice.

And finally, this one, which, given the nature of my newfound bowling buddies, wouldn't work for me, but maybe CAW could put it on her shopping list if she and Big B ever come home to Oz.


Ms Brown Mouse said...

I'd go the eye ball, do they come in a fetching green?

caw said...

OMG! the helloi kitty ball action is definitely going on my wish list. so cute! either that or the world domination ball is also very groovy as is the eye ball. indeed, i'd be ordering that in green too ms dmm ;)

Identity Crisis said...

Whoa! I'm in the wrong business. I want to design those!

Won't you feel guilty when all the little microscopic Earth people are flung off and/or squashed by your Earth ball?

Chester The Bear said...

ooo. i did think about the microscopic bowling ball world people.

hmmm. ah screw them! if they're anything like us, they're ruining my ball anyway.

Identity Crisis said...

Maybe that is what the Earth needs. A good spin down the galactic bowling lanes to rid its self of the humanoid pests. I'm going underground. Hold on.

Identity Crisis said...

I have to tell you I just loved your comment on Mediocre's Moral Dilemma post. Hilarious...and probably true...and thus, not hilarious...

Anonymous said...


Severed head in clear lucite.

That's how I ROLL...

Chester The Bear said...

Oooo! Severed head. Exceptional.

One of my fellow bowlers has a pair of socks in his ball. I have no idea what it means, but the world would be such a boring place if we were all the same.

I was looking, tonight, for a-hand-gun-in-a-ball, but sadly, it doesn't look like they make those. Maybe, in America, they'd just see that as a waste of a good hand gun.

pitfinder said...

Can you get planets other than Earth? Maybe you can bring Pluto back into the Solar System.

Or maybe one with some kind of kinetically powered light so you could tell people it's the Sun.

By the way, have you ever seen a movie called Mystery Men? Skull in clear Lucite.


Chester The Bear said...

You can get the moon, which actually would have been my first choice if some idiot hadn't decided to put a picture of Buzz Aldrin and an American flag on it.

The moon on its own would have been very cool. The moon with a picture of an astronaut is just cheesy, in that uniquely American 'cheese in a squeeze bottle' kind of way. Bah!

Here's the skull, by the way.

Anonymous said...

the skull! the skull! i would have to go for a hello kitty ball and a skull ball.
do they have completely transparent balls??

-- caw xx

Ms Brown Mouse said...

What about smarties, or barbed wire, or your bebe teeth?

gothcat said...

I want one.Dare I even say you have made the prospect of bowling with a funky accessory ball something that appeals to me..The globe is my vote all the way.
Actually on the miniature people thing?..When I was a kid in class drawing maps ,I felt if I accidentally edited some coastline the image of people crashing into the sea would bombard me.So vivid.