Monday, February 12, 2007

Where Is That Umbrella?

It's raining. Really... and I mean RAINING. We're talking 'build a very large boat and start collecting animals' type raining. Ok, maybe not that hard, but this is no passing shower.

This is only important, or even remotely interesting if you live in Sydney or surrounds, where we're experiencing the worst dought in recorded history. The number of times we've had two days rain in a row in the last ten years could be counted on the fingers of one hand.

This is what February used to be like when I was in primary school. It ALWAYS rained in February back then. I remember, because it was back-to-school time after the summer holidays. It just isn't like that now, or at least it hasn't been. We've just had to suffer through years of unrelenting sunshine, and while I know that's only dreamt about in some parts of the world, I can tell you, it truly gets tedious.

So just for the novelty of it and with brolly in hand, I'm going for a walk because by the end of the week we'll be back to the same dreary blue skies.


Ms Brown Mouse said...

Twas SO exciting I did a little dance of joy when it started, but had to come in it got so heavy. One of my favourite things in the world is to lie in bed and listen to rain on the roof, bliss. And now perhaps some of those nasty cracks in the walls may close up (fingers crossed).

Chester The Bear said...

Oh. Is that a crack. I thought it was a door.

caw said...

ooo. Rain rain, how much do we love it. It rained for the first time here in ages just a few days ago. Kept raining for about 4 days = SOOPAH. One would expect that in winter it would rain here but no. It's been too cold to rain.
Too cold to snow even.
Yet, today, blue skies are back - not a rain drop in sight.
What's going on I ask.

Identity Crisis said...

I love the smell of rain on drought.

gothcat said...

I loved the smell of the rain on the five boxes of clothes i put out for the salvos the night it started;)
yay gothcat you are such a planner!