Monday, February 05, 2007

Random Observations

I had a little time, today, while I was waiting for a locksmith to come and change the lock on the office door, to contemplate random stuff.

Here are a few observations...
  • Potato chips don't taste as good as they used to.
  • There are no visionaries left in the world any more.
  • Successful people are more likely to have succeeded because of their ability to manipulate the people around them than because of their ability to do whatever it is they're supposed to be doing.
  • Life was more fun and less complicated before we had all these things that were supposed to make our lives better (like laptops, mobile phones and cable TV).
  • It's not wise to believe anything you hear from government, read on a label, or see in any advertisement.
  • Milk doesn't taste as good as it used to.
  • No-one in South Africa reads my blog.
  • People are stupid. Not all of them, but so many of them as to characterise the species.
  • Women generally have unreal expectations of what they should be receiving out of a relationship.
  • Issues may change, but the global hysteria remains the same. 30 years ago it was nuclear armageddon and whales, 20 years ago, it was rainforest clearing and whales. 10 years ago, it was globalisation and whales, and today, it's climate change and whales. The only real loser, so far, has been the whales.
  • Politicians are smarter than people, in that they know people are stupid, but at the same time, they're more stupid than people because irrespective of how well intentioned they are, they generally don't have a clue.
  • Strawberries don't taste as good as they used to.
  • It's much more difficult today for someone to invent something in their garage that will change the world, than it was, say, 100 years ago when people were hand building internal combustion engines and flying machines.
  • Footballers are paid too much.
  • Capitalism doesn't work any more (I'm choking on this... I am a card carrying capitalist), because company directors have to make decisions for the short term profit of the company and not the long term enrichment of the society.
  • Communism never worked, because corruption is a very tempting beast.
  • There's no "wow" left in the world (despite what Microsoft is trying to tell us).
  • Nothing tastes as good as it used to.
  • I've reached the conclusion that if the world was more like Star Trek, it would be a very boring place indeed (and I am a card carrying Trekkie from way back).
  • As a society, we've become individually too nasty and collectively too nice.
  • Having every possible luxury available to anyone all the time just takes the sizzle out of life.
  • Avocados used to be a treat. Now they're everywhere (and they don't taste as good as they used to).

Hmmm... it turned into a rant. Sorry.


Ms Brown Mouse said...

Oh Mr Bear, it sounds like you have a touch of February-itus, a most distressing condition (I know).
A lot of what you say is true but ... there's a milk you can get at fancy delis (in small bottles) which has a big gob of cream at the top and tastes pretty damn fine. Strawberries taste fan-bloody-tastic if you grow them in a little terracotta pot. And, every now & again, when you least expect it, a wow hits you.
Shit, I'm sounding like Pollyanna, I'm off to boil my head.

Chester The Bear said...

The last "wow" that hit me was an oversized boxing glove. I think it was supposed to say "pow".

Identity Crisis said...

If you can't rant on your blog then the world really is going downhill. You are right about how things taste.

caw said...

Nice rant, CTB. What about wax straws .. remember them? I want to bring wax straws back.
And wax paper for bread. All this plastic crap wrapping makes everything all sweaty. Yuk.