Thursday, February 22, 2007

Simple Task

Or "How to make otherwise intelligent people feel really stupid without trying."

I have to admit to being a little over "Blogger Beta" or whatever it's called now. The thing I'm over most is the need to translate this..into gklhsyh.

You've seen them... they're on some blogs to stop the unwashed illiteratae from making comments. I'm not stupid, or at least I don't think I'm stupid, so I am reasonably sure I am capable of reading sans dislexia and faithfully typing the letters as they appear...

...except that I seem to get it wrong about one in every three times. Or not. Methinks Blogger may be playing little tricks here... a sort of dweeb programmer's idea of a practical joke.

Speaking of which, this is the one from a programming forum I'm trying to join...

...the meaning of which is an absolute bloody mystery, and this is about the sixth I've tried. To me, that's WDVTK, except that it isn't.


Ms Brown Mouse said...

(blush) I've got those things on mine, I put them there cos odd god spammers kept leaving really weird posts. But I get the first 1 or 2 goes wrong too, I think it must be a blogger joke!

pitfinder said...

I've had the same thing, but it happens more on some blogs than others. I've begun to notice if I start typing right when the comment page first loads, I lose the first part. So I watch, and some comment pages load, then reload all on their own and the captcha changes. Those pages always ask me to type twice. I don't know the source of the glitch is, but it is real.

gothcat said...

The second one you showed is ridiculously grainy and horrible.What are they doing it in that disguised format for?To check if our colour blindness is sorted out before we are eligible to comment?.I hate it too.

Identity Crisis said...

I didn't see what the fuss was about at first...sure a little annoying and time consuming...but then I met my first skewed ij vvwli challenge, followed by the evil obtuse grainy colorblind test (thanks gothcat)...ARGH! I guess it is the price one pays to rid the world of evil spammers. As Atomic Blue would say...Die spammers! Die!

Chester The Bear said...

spammers. bah!
the only spammers i like are teh lads from lagos. they provide hours of fun and amusement for the whole family.

Chester The Bear said...

i have previously written that i'm not dyslexic.

i've changed my mind. i'm dyslexic with teh word the.

Anonymous said...

dyslexia says:

in Dog we trust.

cleanliness is next to Dogliness.

Anonymous said...

dyslexia says:

in Dog we trust.

cleanliness is next to Dogliness.

Anonymous said...

am i'm so with you on the typing & retyping of the made up words - i type them REALLY slowly but still screw up every 3rd or 4th one. ARGH. even when i KNOW ive typed it proper-like ... grrr.

as for that grainy one you blogged, i thought it said "wank" - perhaps i need stronger glasses!!

gothcat said...

Matsby said...

Yeah, these things are annoying and I always have the same problem.